An Ardent Heart
An invincible force strives to save the world...
An Arden Heart tells the story of Lupe Valdés (Karyme Lozano), a best-sellIing writer who investigates the apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in search of inspiration for her next novel.
Guided by María (María Vallejo-Nájera), an expert in mysteries, Lupe will discover the revelations to Santa Margarita María de Alacoque, meeting in the process with saints, murderers, exorcists, popes, presidents, conspirators … as well as miracles and crimes.
In line with her investigation, Lupe will also discover the secrets of her own heart, afflicted by old wounds that need to be healed.
An Ardent Heart
An invincible force strives to save the world
An Arden Heart tells the story of Lupe Valdés (Karyme Lozano), a best-sellIing writer who investigates the apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in search of inspiration for her next novel.Guided by María (María Vallejo-Nájera), an expert in ...